Thursday, May 29, 2008

TWO: Baby-Steps

We had a set-back, or a step forward, depending on what mood I'm in. Ha! I called the Secretary of State today to check on the progress of our paperwork and she told me three of our notarizations were faulty. They were in the mailbox at home waiting for us. After I got off work I grabbed Simon and we were off to track down two notaries I'd never met and one who had since moved in location! Two hours of scrambling (University, mid-town, far end of North Reserve) netted the final touches. We ate dinner and raced to the Post Office. Missed the postmaster by four minutes, so we modified the plan by going to Mailboxes Etc. buying stamps and heading to the PO to drop the package in the mail. I feel like a triathelete!!!! If they go through authentication this time our papers could actually be in Ethiopia in about two weeks, which seems surreal, and wonderful, and hopeful, and absolutely amazing.

We are soooooo ready for our little girl. She has a name.... Piper+Ethiopian name+Theresa (Clark's mother's name)+Tower. We think it's lovely. :) Crystal


Outdrsycple said...


Yes, It was me who left a comment on your other blog. I'm glad you switched over to blogspot. It seems much more user friendly that the other one you were on. I'll update this page to my favorites.


The T-Family said...

WOW, Impressive, I never knew the process on adoption.. I am so Happy for you all ( all 6) haha. I think we are done.. I do hope to see you next time we are in Missoula..Meet your family & the new little girl.. Once a year! So keep in touch. Way cool blog.. thumbs up..
cheers, darcy & family