Thursday, July 10, 2008


We have a little girl! Her name is Agnoti. She is approximately one year old. She's amazing!!! I can not post pictures of her until we pass our court date. Our date is July 31st and we are hoping against all hopes that we pass, as, if we do, we can pick Agnoti up at the end of August.
The information we have on her is as follows: She is one and used to have a full head of hair (we've seen pictures and it was bouffant!). She weighs 14.8 pounds and is 27 inches (about the 3rd percentile). She can bear weight on her legs. She is beautiful. She has huge eyes and amazingly-long eyelashes. Her mouth is heart-shaped. She is malnourished, but we'll change that!
To say that we are thrilled, elated, over-the-moon, ecstatic, bursting with joy and possibility is an understatement!!!!!!


a.p. said...

Such wonderful news!!! Congratulations!!!!


Outdrsycple said...

Oh I will pray that you make it through court! You really lucked out to sneak in before the close uh? I would love to meet Agnoti and the next picnic.

Sarah Skarsten said...

I am so happy for you all! I will say lots of prayers that everything goes well with the court date. I can hardly wait to meet your new daughter. Congratulations!!!