Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Jake plays tennis five nights a week. Liam has soccer practice three nights a week, a game last weekend and a tournament this weekend. Simon starts soccer soon. All the boys in this house are antsy for golf season to begin.

Sports, sports, sports!

Sylvie-Aganoti... ...maybe she'll be into ballet. Or science. Or gardening. Or acting. Or reading books.

Or sports!


Anonymous said...

or piano with those beautiful LONG fingers!

Hope you are having a great "spring" break, at least we haven't had to shovel yet.


Michelle said...

Good luck! Olivia watches Elijah like a hawk. She runs around with a light-saber saying, "Mommy, I Yoda!" When I say, "Olivia, don't you want to have a tea party or play princesses?" She says, "Noooo!" So I just sigh and play light-sabers and soccer with her.

Rebecca said...

Wow. I don't know how you do it!! We are busy with just Ava and she's only 2!! Keeps you out of trouble tho, huh?!?!