Saturday, August 15, 2009

Estoy muy decepcionante!

Or, as you would say in English, I am very disappointed... my recent putchase at Amazon Books.

Free time is a luxury for the adults in this house. My only selfish pursuit is book club. I love it. I crave it like I crave chocolate, coffee with creamer, hugs from loved ones.

This month's read is "Ana Karenina" by Leo Tolstoy. A mere 500'ish pages.

Book club is in NINE days.

I despise going to book club having not read the book.

I ordered "Ana" from Amazon many weeks ago and have yet to find a moment to crack it open.

Until today.

Clark took Sylvie-Aganoti to run errands. I had about two whole hours of me-time. I was not going to work on the house. I was not going to spend it in the kitchen cooking or cleaning.

I snuggled up in the office chaise lounge. Put on my glasses. Pulled up a blanket. Flipped the reading light on. Peeked past the cover for the very first time...



AAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGG to Amazon Books!!!! Leo best captures my feelings writing, "Oh, why didn't I die? It would have been better!"- Book 4, Ch. 23

Does anyone have a spare copy of "Ana Karenina"?

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