Thursday, October 22, 2009


There has been some coughing in our house. And achy muscles and joints. And headaches. And sore throats. And stuffy noses. And fevers.

And some throwing up.

Today Simon emerges from the bathroom looking devestated. "I just threw up. I threw up in the sink because I felt so bad I couldn't make it to the toilet. Can I have a carrot? I'm hungry."

"No, Simon. No, you may not have a carrot."



Renee said...

My brain cannot comprehend the desire for carrot consumption immediately following retching. Small children are totally bizarre!

Jenny said...

We're Swiners here too! It's really not been too bad for us, everything sounds the same,no throwing up though, but tummy pain is bad.Abdu got hit the hardest with the cough, and last night we put a make shift tent over his bed with a vaporizer and steamed him out, he's better today.Eve is now in the heat of it, running a good temp.At least for us the duration has been fairly short, like 4 days,2 moe with weakness and