Monday, June 30, 2008

The Link Between You and Me

When we started our adoption process last year we were intent on adopting from Vietnam. As an aficionado of Asian and African history, culture, religion, art, literature, etc., each year I choose an office calendar depicting one of those regions. This year I have enjoyed quotes from Vietnamese Zen-master Thich Nhat Hahn. The month our Vietnamese adoption was falling through Thich Nhat Hahn said, "I still arrive, in order to laugh and to cry, to fear and to hope. The rhythm of my heart is the birth and death of all that is alive." As our hopes plummeted, I would refer to that quote, determined to arrive, to be present each and every day, determined to find our daughter.
In a matter of months, we were pursuing adoption from Ethiopia. With that decision came a sense of peace and direction we had not experienced thusfar in adoption. Our daughter was waiting for us in Ethiopia, we knew it. Appropriately, June's quote from Thich Nhat Hahn is so fitting to our current situation, "There are hundreds of thousands of stems linking us to everything in the cosmos, supporting us and making it possible for us to be. Do you see the link between you and me? If you are not there, I am not here." This quote speaks to my heart; it speaks to my daughter. That link is tangible and we will follow it all the way to Ethiopia...


Jacob Foster said...

Mom this Blog-Site kicks rear! I can't wait until we adopt our little sister, but we still need to find a name!

Love, the coolest son in the world Jacob!

Mom and Dad Thompson said...

Your last entry was very thought-provoking, it made me tear up.Remember last Dec. we each bought a half dozen pins that promised the proceeds to help women and children in Africa? (At that time your family was waiting to hear from VietNam.) What an odd coincidence, or fate, that your daughter is now waiting for you in Ethiopia !! Love Mom