Saturday, January 3, 2009


Sylvie-Aganoti woke up with a cold today. This helps to explain yesterday, which has been our very hardest day so far. She was so unhappy. Tylenol might have helped. It is helping today.

Have I mentioned that she is getting four teeth at once? Yikes, definitely part of the picture.

We are now feeding her soy milk. We'll see if that does something with the diaper dilemma.

I went to the international adoptive parents meeting. No parents were meeting. I don't know if it was cancelled due to the holidays or if I confused the information. It was kind of silly, as I'd invited Linsey to go and it was just the two of us. We got a chance to visit though and it was so good to brainstorm with another adoptive mom. I need to read more about toddler adoption and attachment. If anyone has suggestions let me know!!!


Wayne and Steph said...

Miss Sylvis must have saved her best behavior for us,as we all thought she was an angel last night. Take her & the stroller to the mall and do a couple miles. She'll enjoy it and exercise helps the mind(as well as the body.) In fact, Gma & I would love to walk with 'bout Mon. when the kids are all back in school? I'll buy lunch! Keep on truckin'!!

kel said...

HI Crystal, My name is Kelly Keyser - Brandy Murphy is a friend of mine here in Seattle and she led me to your blog. I'm a mom of 3 kids: 2 biological and our son ChenYi who was adopted from China at 22 months. I've really enjoyed reading your posts - it brings back so many memories. Our girls were 6 and 10 when ChenYi came home and I felt like I was learning it all over again too but with a little person who has a history. Hang in there! ChenYi is a thriving, happy little kid - loves his buddy Satchel. :^} My e-mail is if you'd ever want to talk, vent, whatever.

Kristine said...

Hey Crystal,
Here are some books that helped me:
Toddler Adoption
Attaching in Adoption
Taming the Tiger (CD by Nancy Thomas)
And others I can;t think of now!

We started an Ethiopian Attachment yahoo group too. There are book lists on there and links to great attachment websites!
Good luck. hope SA feels better soon!

nancy said...

Hi There! Just found your blog. I am in Billings with our one year old (tomorrow) little girl. She is the only Ethiopian child in Billings. How lucky you are to have a support group!!!