Tuesday, January 13, 2009


...somehow turned into a week. We have had company and a new puppy. More on that later. For now, pictures of our sweetie:

Huge fit if we take her food away before she is done + she asked to go potty= eating eggs while going potty. Don't tell me you've never done that!?!

Please put that camera away and take us for a ride in the car!

Don't look at me, I didn't eat that cookie on the counter...

Sylvie-Aganoti and cousin-Olivia!


Anonymous said...

OOOOOH! I just love her!!!!!!!!!!
(I kinda like the rest of her family too)

Outdrsycple said...

Wow, she is looking so good. I swear she has gained another 5 lbs since I met her! Her little cheeks are so filled in:) I love the egg story hehehe.

Becky and Naing said...

She is so beautiful! I'm so glad she is feeling better.

Jenny said...

Wow, she's getting plump!! What a sweetie pie!
Jenny L.