Monday, October 13, 2008

Tossing and turning... what we will do tonight. We find out within 24-hours if our little beauty is truly ours.

Sit tight sweet Agnoti, we are coming for you...


Anonymous said...

You and your beautiful daughter will be in my thoughts tomorrow. I know that it is easier said than done but I hope you can relax a little a get a good nights sleep. Take care. :-)

Casey said...

Hey, check out our blog.... if you dare.

John and Melissa said...

I can't wait to hear your GOOD NEWS tomorrow. :)
And hopefully we'll be joining you in celebrating in a few days!

Munchkins said...

Wow! I didn't realize it was so soon. Although, I'm sure it sure hasn't felt that way to you. Can't wait to hear! If you don't mind, send me an email...I'm on digest, so don't get messages from the group.

Jenn said...

Dying to hear some good news about your little Agnoti. I dreamt I shaved my head for ya'll, but that's as good as it's getting. I have the ugliest head under this hair. :)

I'll be checking back!

Much love,
Jenn in Polson