Saturday, December 27, 2008

Da-deeee and who?!?

We have some new words floating around at this house. Miss Sylvie-Aganoti knows who her daddy is and shouts it out full-volume, "Da-deeeeee!". We LOVE it!!!

It seems there is another name she is using. It is for me. Are you ready for this? It's not Mama. Prepare yourself. It's "Poo-Poo". Yes, sadly, that is what she seems to be calling me. "Poo-Poo". Is it because I can handle her nasty diapers with a stomach of steel? Is it because I set her on the potty and cheer for poo? Or, is because it makes us all giggle?

Dear friends, never would I have thought I would be so proud to be lovingly called "Poo-Poo".

With that said, it is ONLY for S.A.'s use. Do you hear that? No phone calls asking for "Poo-Poo". No emails or letters addressed to "Poo-Poo". No gift-tags, no jokes directed at, no conversations started with "Poo-Poo".

All my love,


Anonymous said...

Had so much fun sledding with Sylvie-Aganoti and Poo-Poo today! And it's nice that Sylvie protected Alyssa from the wrath of Poo-Poo when she's called Poo-poo! Did you really think I could resist?

Rebecca said...

Darn....I was really looking forward to calling you "poo-poo" about just "poo" I didn't think so!
Ava came home calling me "Omah"..kind of weird because that's Korean for mom. Okay, poo-poo...catch you later. You know I had to sneak that last one in....

Anonymous said...

That is just too cute! There are other versions we could call you. Hope you are all enjoying the snow. Angie

Becky and Naing said...

Crystal, She is beautiful, I was great to see your pictures and know it is really real:)