Saturday, December 20, 2008

Dog Days

Sylvie and Margaux (our dog) have a rocky relationship, exclusively on S.'s terms.

Monday: M. enters room, S. screams, shakes, sweats. M. is quickly escorted out of eyesight.
Tuesday: M. can be in room, only if laying on dog bed. If M. yawns, wow (see Monday's reaction).
Wednesday: S. pushes toast on the floor and is ok if M. belly-crawls to retrieve. If M. looks at her with appreciation, yikes (see Monday's reaction).
Thursday: M. can roam about the house, only if her tail is between her legs and she looks appropriately brow-beaten. S. whacks her on the nose with a toy and snickers.
Friday: I take a shower and have S. playing in the hall with blocks (bathroom door open). I open the shower curtain to find M. and S. sitting side-by-side waiting for me. No screaming, no shaking, no sweating. Only lip pulling.
This picture is from later in the day. I predict best friends by January...


Jenny said...

I bet your other children are just loving her!I love seeing these pictures of S.A., she is so adorable and your story gives me hope!
Gods blessings to you and your's this Christmas,
Jenny Learn

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness she is so cute and the pulling of the lip is adorable! I can't wait to play with her!

Rebecca said...

She is SO cute...that picture is priceless. Ava wasn't sure what to make of the dogs when we brought her she and they are best buds.
P.S. I can't believe how much different she looks already! She is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I love her pretty little dress! Your stories on here are great! I definitely will wait for Kolsen to meet her. At this point, I know she will be terrified of him. You've seen him...he is a busy little monster. Merry Christmas! ---Kari, Jake and Kids

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing the dog stories..I need to know what is gonna be up w/ Winston (our 2 yr old golden ret) and H and W...5 days and bff's...awesome